School Based Health CBET (Community Based Experiential Training)

This Community Based Experiential Training is an exciting program for health profession students to gain experience through service in an urban underserved community.  The program is a collaborative project between Health360’s Northwestern AHEC Program, the Waterbury Department of Education and Staywell Community Health Center.

One day a week, for five weeks, health profession student teams provide health education sessions that address the unique health care needs of urban underserved elementary school students in an after school setting.  The health professions students identify topic areas and create the 1-hour educational session.

Through this experience, health profession students learn the role health education can play to help alleviate the impact of social determinants of health on under-served communities.

Health Profession
Student Commitment

  • Serve for 5 weeks, one day per week, 2:30 to 5:00 p.m., in Waterbury, CT. Student teams are created and days assigned based on student interest and availability
  • Participate in a kick-off meeting including an orientation to the Waterbury community and selection and assignment of health sessions
  • Complete the Social Determinants of Health online learning module
  • Develop a 45-minute educational session for elementary school students including hands on activities, discussions and children’s literature

This program is supported by:


What Your Peers Are Saying About the Program.............

“This program has been a very eye opening and educational experience that has exposed me to a new understanding of what I can provide both emotionally and educationally.” ~ Occupational Therapy Student ~ fall 2017

“I am very thankful for this program and do not think I would have been able to get an education on this realm through my standard curriculum. We spend a lot of time theorizing and discussing social determinants of health, however, seeing reality and connecting with the children who are impacted taught me more than a book ever could. As someone who wants to be a pediatrician, I feel better equipped to care for and understand the vast array of situations my patients will live in.” ~ Medical Student ~ spring 2018

“I had the absolute best experience. This program has been the highlight of the semester. Thank you for allowing for me to participate!”~ Occupational Therapy Student ~ spring 2018

How to Apply

The program has a fall and spring session. Applications for the fall session are due September 15th Applications for the spring session are due January 30th Slots are limited and on a first come/first served basis, so complete your application as early as possible.
ADD Evaluation Reports – fall 2017 and spring 2018

If you have any questions contact Tricia at 203-758-1110 or